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How can I check whether an Arts Therapist is registered with the HCPC?


To check if an individual is listed on the HCPC Register, visit and enter their surname or registration number. Alternatively you can download the free Check the Register app, available for both Apple and Android mobile devices. For employers and managers, the multiple registrant search function on the HCPC website is a simple and effective way to check whether employees regulated by the HCPC are currently registered.





Why should I employ a registered Arts Therapist?


Arts Therapists are statutory regulated and are fully accountable to the HCPC, whose primary remit is public protection. An Arts Therapists’ right to practice is linked to continuing registration and compliance with additional obligations, such as undertaking continuing professional development (CPD). This ensures continued learning and development throughout their careers, keeping skills and knowledge

up-to-date, and ensuring they are able to work safely, legally and effectively.


Working with clients creatively and psychologically attempts to secure an emotional wellbeing that is core to the potential impact of other health and social care interventions; which is why Arts Therapists are recognised for providing cost-effective psychotherapeutic interventions. Arts Therapists are skilled at engaging hard-to-reach clients of all ages, regardless of their conditions. The benefits for service users can extend well beyond therapy sessions, with outcomes including improved social and communication skills, and increased confidence and self-esteem, enabling them to play a more integrated role in their local community.




Information accessed from HCPC - Health & Care Professions Council.











































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