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What’s the difference between an Arts Therapist and an Arts in Health Practitioner?



The key difference is that an Arts Therapist is a psychological therapist, trained in their respective art forms.  An Arts in Health Practitioner is not.


Through their approved training, Arts Therapists are skilled to offer:

  1. Psychological assessments;

  2. An intervention and/or series of on-going interventions that specifically address the client’s individual needs - specifically areas of distress or discomfort;

  3. A focus on sustainability of the psychological intervention; an approach integrating evidence-based practice and research findings.


A second important difference is that Arts Therapists are regulated by the Health andCare Professions Council (HCPC). This means that they are required to meet national standards for their training, professional skills and behaviour. It also means that the public is protected should any professional fail to meet these standards.


Arts in Health Practitioners are not regulated.





Information accessed from HCPC - Health & Care Professions Council.











































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